Researching together

Research together

Search patiently,
Find the unexpected,
Discover new territory...
"You don't discover new parts of the world without the courage to lose sight of old coasts." (André Gide, 1869 - 1951)
With this offer ´Research Together´ I open the space for individual people and groups to connect with the three essences of life beyond their personal and professional obligations: love, truth and freedom. For me, these essences are connected with three core questions:

  • Who am I? (Love) 
  • How do I balance? (Truth) 
  • Who does the earth belong to? (Freedom).

I explore these fundamental questions with the participants on a physical, mental and spiritual level, whereby the answers are initially formed from the stories about the world that unconsciously work in us. These stories and beliefs given to us by third parties are like guardians who block access to expanded, transpersonal experiences of love, truth, and freedom. In further steps, we travel through the inner landscapes of our stories and first learn who we are not. With the appropriate questions, models, maps, methods and exercises, we move through the labyrinth of our subconscious with ever increasing confidence and joy. Some suggestions for further initial questions can be found below. The only prerequisites for this research are longing, commitment and courage.

As settings, I offer individual sessions, keynote speeches, workshops or seminars in which the participants can approach the answers using questions and exercises.

Who am I?

This question breaks down into further questions: What are your basic stories about the world? Who "invented" these stories and for what purpose? From which structures of human consciousness do these stories arise? Which worldview do I derive from it? What are my inner concepts of matter, energy, time and space? How do my ideas about chance, providence, fate and revelation relate to it? Am I a human or a person? Or do I have a person? Why do I need a Natural or Legal Person and who gave it to me when? What is hidden behind these terms? Why is it important to know who I am not?

How do I balance?

This initial question is closely related to the following questions: Who and what is the source of all values? Which two assets does a human being have by birth? What is compensation for exchange? When does exchange need compensation? What role do the terms need, wish, desire and preference play here? How is money made from assets? How is liquidity drawn from money? Do people need a bank to enable compensation? Why does credit always come before money? What role does the concept of linear time play? What does economy (Wirtschaft) literally mean? Can everyone create their own money and how ?

Who does the earth belong to?

To answer this question in depth, one must first address the following questions: What is grace and what is right? Is the earth an asset? How do you assess the value of the earth as an asset and who assess it? Who has been given grace on the earth and who has rights on the earth? Where's the earth's assets and who manages them? How is the earth's assets organized legally and who are the beneficiaries? Why is the term "trust" important? How do you get money and liquidity from these assets? Does earth's wealth enable a basic income, the grace of freedom? What role does sustainability play in managing the earth?
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