Technical Expertise

Technical Expertise

Develop technically,
Arrange functionally,
Win financially...
"If you don't try to do something beyond what you've already mastered, you won't grow." (Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882)
  • Waste Management
    • Development and implementation of operational and regional waste management concepts (municipal waste, construction waste, commercial and industrial waste);
    • Definition of waste management and economic goals; 
    • Determination of basic data 1: types of waste, waste quantities, waste compositions;
    • Determination of basic data 2: waste disposal infrastructure - collection, transport, waste treatment and -Deposition; 
    • Description of the current situation;
    • Derivation of waste quantity forecasts (scenario development - technical, organizational, financial)
    • Development of strategies for waste recycling (glass, paper, metals, plastics, hazardous waste);
    • Selection and dimensioning of waste pretreatment (sorting, composting, fermentation , mechanical-biological pretreatment, incineration);
    • Design and preliminary planning for waste disposal plants; 
    • Supporting procedures for site search of  waste treatment plants (waste treatment, landfills).
  • Budget and Finance Planning
    • Structuring, categorizing and re-organizing of the project activities expected in the future;
    • Recognition and assignment of income and expenditure in the course of the defined project phases (days, weeks, months, years);
    • Interlocking of technical and financial project and company data taking into account variable boundary conditions (budget changes, contract changes, technical difficulties etc.);
    • Development of relational databases to represent the future technical and financial project situation with special consideration of company-specific attributes / key figures (What do I need to know?);
    • Procedures for evaluating the databases with standard software;
    • Quantitative representation of the activity-related risks to the financial project success;
    • Cooperation with the responsible IT staff;
    • Moderation between technical and finance experts/teams;
    • Connection and integration of variable budget planning into the company-wide finance software.
  • Contaminated Sites and Real Estate Development
    • Risk assessment and remediation studies in the context of approval procedures and real estate transactions; 
    • Historical research on land use;
    • Evaluation and assessment of existing reports, studies and statements;
    • Deficit analyzes;
    • Planning, cost estimation, organization and monitoring of laboratory and field work;
    • Modeling of the dispersion of pollutants in soil and groundwater;
    • Dimensioning and cost estimation of remedial measures such as "pump & treat", soil exchange, soil consolidation, reactive walls etc.;
    • Assessment of remediation and cost risks;
    • Industry experience: food industry , steel and nonferrous metal industry, chemical industry, gasworks, waste disposal companies, mining companies, governmental and semi-governmental organizations (various levels).
  • Environmental Management & Due Diligence
    • Planning and implementation of environmental management systems according to ISO 14001 in companies and public institutions;
    • Planning, monitoring or carrying out the first environmental due diligence;
    • Data collection on raw material, water and energy consumption, the generation of waste, waste water and other emissions as well as determination of the contaminated site situation;
    • Preparation of an input-output analysis (processes, company, region);
    • Identification of significant environmental aspects and environmental impacts; 
    • Development and introduction of management "procedures"; 
    • Development of environmental policy;
    • Environmental goal (catalogs) and environmental programs (measures) for the continuous improvement of the environmental situation;
    • Preparation and monitoring of internal and external audits;
    • Integration of the environmental management system in the frame of long-term sustainability strategies (qualitative and quantitative approach).
  • Energy Efficiency
    • Development and introduction of strategies for the efficient use of energy in companies and government organizations;
    • Determination of the technical and socio-economic framework; 
    • Prognosis of energy consumption and assessment of possible savings;
    • Selection of suitable technical processes for energy saving;
    • Estimation of investment and operating costs for energy-saving measures;
    • Reorganization of energy efficiency funds;
    • Support of public relations activities for energy-saving action;
    • Preparation of applications for financing energy-saving measures in companies;
    • Evaluation and assessment of applications within the framework of energy efficiency funds.
  • Research and Development
    • Planning, cost estimation and organization of research projects in the above-mentioned technical fields;
    • Planning, organization and monitoring of laboratory and field work;
    • Data evaluation;
    • Publications and reports;
    • Special experiences: groundwater purification with the help of “reactive walls” (remediation of contaminated sites), composting and waste fermentation;
    • Assessment of cost risks with the help of the Monte Carlo simulation.

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